District 8 Service Committees

Interested in service? Scroll to the bottom of this page to see our service committees!

Dig around on the different Committee pages, see what they are involved in, and sign up to join the fun of fulfilling our Primary Purpose-

“To carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic.”

District 8 Service Committee:

The following positions are still open!

Treatment & Accessibility, Corrections.

Mentorship and support will be readily provided.

District 8 Business Meeting(hybrid): Tuesday, January 14th, 6:00 pm (New time and location). Come hear what our District is up to. It’s a great place for service work! To attend via Zoom, click here. (password: 419436).

Our District’s Service Committees always seek volunteers and ways to give back to our community as a Fellowship. Come join us once a month to see what it’s all about. Get involved!

“Click” on the sub-committees below to learn more or to contact the committee chairs.